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A list of frequently asked questions and answers relating to Purchasing has been provided below:

Where Do I Find Bid & Contract Opportunities?

If I’m Not a Registered Vendor, Can I Still Submit Bids with the City?

Yes, however, in the event of an award, we cannot issue a purchase order unless you are a 
registered vendor and have supplied all supporting information.

What Should I Expect at the Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Meeting?

The pre-bid meeting is used to discuss specifications for a specific bid/proposal, and it allows 
for vendors to ask questions in order to seek clarification. Not all bids have a pre- bid meeting 
and attendance is not mandatory unless specified.

How Are Bids Awarded?

Purchase orders will be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder who meets all 
requirements and specifications of the bid, or has the best value to the city.

How Do I Get Paid?

Payments are made by the Comptrollers Office after material is received and found to be correct and 
in good condition. In the case of equipment, payment is made for complete units as received. Vendor 
invoices must reference the appropriate purchase order number and be submitted in duplicate to the 
“bill to” address indicated in the Invoice ship to section of the referenced purchase order. Do not 
send invoices to Purchasing. To prevent errors or delays in payment, vendors should carefully check 
the prices and Purchase Order Conditions when received. Please include the purchase order number on 
all correspondence.

What Is a Consultant?

A Consultant is defined as any professional or technical expert contracting with the City for the 
purpose of giving opinions, preparing reports, conducting studies, and making
recommendations or providing special services.

How Do I Promote My Consultant Business to the City?

If you are interested in promoting your business to a specific City Department, refer to city 
department phone #’s on city website.

Where do I Find Contractor Opportunities?

For contractors interested in contracts register on OpenGov you will be contacted for 
informal quotes and Bids/RFP’s/RFQ’s for sealed bid opportunities.


Can’t there be some exception for a late bid/proposal?

No. Even if the reason for the lateness of the submitted bid or proposal is beyond the control of 
the vendor, the bid/proposal will be rejected. Bids/proposals must be received at the proper 
address, by the time and date specified in the bid document.
We encourage vendors to have their bid/proposal documents scheduled to arrive at the designated 
location at least 24 hours in advance of the deadline to avoid problems such a flight or delivery 

Why didn’t I receive a copy of your last bid/proposal?

In order to be aware of the bids and proposals currently being solicited by the State, vendors are 
encouraged to sign up @ OpenGov free of charge for the latest posting of bids and proposals pertaining to the City of 

How can I see the results of a bid opening?

Award information is available at the following website: OpenGov    Vendors are also welcome 
to attend any bid opening.

Why can’t I fax you a copy of my bid security?

Bid security and contract performance security instruments are only valid if a vendor submits an 
original document to us. A promise to submit the original document after the faxed copy is received 
by the deadline is not sufficient.

Is there an expiration date for my vendor registration?

No. Generally, once you register as a vendor, unless you are debarred from doing business with the 
State, or fail to keep your company information, such as address and phone numbers current, you 
remain registered as a vendor. Periodically, the State will undertake a general revision of the State Vendors List.  If you do not respond when notified of this revision, you will be removed as a registered vendor at that time.