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Pursuant to and in conformity with Sections 7-148b through 7-148f of the Connecticut General Statutes, there is created a commission known as the fair rent commission for the purpose of regulating and eliminating excessive rental charges on residential property within the city. This chapter is enacted in recognition of the compelling need for rent stabilization for the duration of a severe housing shortage in the city.


Two people shaking hands with a wooden house in the background


Filing a complaint with the Fair Rent Commission is an essential step for tenants who believe they are facing unfair or unjust rent-related issues. To initiate this process, tenants should gather all relevant documentation, such as lease agreements, rent payment records, and any correspondence with their landlord. Clearly outline specific issues, such as rent increases beyond legal limits, maintenance problems, or discrimination. The complaint should be submitted to the Fair Rent Commission, including all supporting evidence. This proactive approach can help protect your rights as a tenant and ensure a fair resolution to your concerns. 

Please note: Rent payments must be current before filing a complaint with the Fair Rent Commission.

To initiate a case for the Fair Rent Commission's review, you must:

  • Download the Intake Application or pick one up at 999 Broad St., Health Department.
  • To submit your application you can either:

If you have any questions about the application or process, please call 203-330-4230

Withdrawal Form

Rent Complaint Resolved?

If your rent issue has been resolved and/or you wish to withdraw your complaint, please:

By doing so, you officially withdraw your complaint filed with the Fair Rent Commission.

If you have any questions about the withdrawal form or process, please call 203-330-4230