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Bridgeport, CT Today, City Council President Nieves, in collaboration with and strong support of Mayor Ganim and other Council members, submitted a resolution to initiate a Charter revision process here in the City of Bridgeport. After many discussions, a consensus has built around the need to modernize and update the Bridgeport City Charter, and to have a Charter Revision Commission examine complex issues regarding needed changes to civil service, the role and makeup of city commissions, among many other issues. 

This resolution is expected to be referred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration at Tuesday’s full City Council meeting. Within 30 days of final passage of the Council’s initiation of the Charter revision process, the Council must adopt a resolution establishing a Charter Revision Commission of between 5 and 15 members, not more than one-third of whom may hold public office in the City, and not more than a bare majority of whom shall be members of any one political party.

Once the Commission has been formed, it is the expectation that the Commission will conduct several public hearings in order to get feedback from residents of Bridgeport on recommended changes to the Charter. 

“I want to thank President Nieves and the Council members that have engaged with me on the need for Charter revision,” stated Mayor Ganim. “I believe strongly that the Commission should take its time in working through these complex Charter issues and that the Commission creates as many opportunities for public participation and input as possible. Ultimately, I am hopeful that a collaborative effort between the Administration, City Council, the public, and the Charter Revision Commission will yield a final product that Bridgeport voters will stand behind.” 

“I have been and continue to be a strong advocate for Charter revision,” stated Council President Aidee Nieves. “I am grateful to the Mayor and my Council colleagues for agreeing that it is time to update and modernize our Charter here in Bridgeport. The issues that the Commission will take up will be complex and will require a significant amount of input from stakeholders. But I believe that a thorough process will result in a positive Charter change for our city.”

“As a strong supporter of Charter revision, it is my hope that this will be a deliberative, thoughtful, and community-based process,” stated Councilman Scott Burns. “There are several interesting and challenging issues for the Commission to consider. I look forward to seeing the changes that they will bring back to the Council after careful consideration and public input.”

“As someone who has been through Charter revision in the past, I want to emphasize the importance of this process and the need for the public’s input,” stated Councilman Ernest Newton. “Charter revision is a process that happens infrequently, so I encourage the Commission to be thoughtful and carefully consider all of the many Charter issues that it will be presented with as their work will impact the City for many years to come.”  

Press Release

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